Den senaste veckan har solen strålat som galen här i Stockholm, och vad gör man inte förutom att vara ute i solen? Just precis, jag har i stort sett tillbringat hela veckan ute i solen, och ångrar inte en sekund av det. Från att bara sitta i trädgården och läsa Eclipse, rensa ogräs till att ligga på stranden, och göra ett tappert försök att bli lite brun innan hösten tränger sig in hos oss här uppe i norden.

Well can't say I'm tanned, but I'm not pale. ^^
I was just talking to my friend about how time passes by so fast, and realized that it really has. Two weeks ago i was still in Copenhagen, having a lot of fun dancing and hang out with friends. And now school's a week away, and my second year at Royal Swedish Ballet School -gymnasium is about to start. I don't know what to expect of this year apart from a lot of academic tasks. Will this year be better than my Junior year; Will I get better from my damn injuries? Will I reach my goal-(s)? And the most important question : Will I feel better?
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I've been feeling down and depressed during the whole year, but I truly have been feeling sad. However I got the chance to reconnect with a friend that always been here, but we kind of grew apart for a year and a half. And I guess the reconnection with him have absolutely a part of the thinggs that made me hold on to myself. To not get teared apart and fall down in my deperssion mood, as I had during the first semester of junior year. That was when everything was the hardest for me, even my dancing was affected by it. Picture Bella in New Moon, but a bit lighter. At least I did laugh when people told me a joke, and I did talk and hang out with my friends, only that I was pretty faking every laugh and giggle. Plus I wasn't depressed because the love of my life left me, it was something else. Way else.
Michelle ♥

Well can't say I'm tanned, but I'm not pale. ^^
I was just talking to my friend about how time passes by so fast, and realized that it really has. Two weeks ago i was still in Copenhagen, having a lot of fun dancing and hang out with friends. And now school's a week away, and my second year at Royal Swedish Ballet School -gymnasium is about to start. I don't know what to expect of this year apart from a lot of academic tasks. Will this year be better than my Junior year; Will I get better from my damn injuries? Will I reach my goal-(s)? And the most important question : Will I feel better?
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I've been feeling down and depressed during the whole year, but I truly have been feeling sad. However I got the chance to reconnect with a friend that always been here, but we kind of grew apart for a year and a half. And I guess the reconnection with him have absolutely a part of the thinggs that made me hold on to myself. To not get teared apart and fall down in my deperssion mood, as I had during the first semester of junior year. That was when everything was the hardest for me, even my dancing was affected by it. Picture Bella in New Moon, but a bit lighter. At least I did laugh when people told me a joke, and I did talk and hang out with my friends, only that I was pretty faking every laugh and giggle. Plus I wasn't depressed because the love of my life left me, it was something else. Way else.
Michelle ♥