To say the L word
However det var väldigt roligt att träffa så många kompisar som man inte gjort på ett bra tag. Det blev otroligt mycket kramande though, och ni kan ju ana att efter ett tag så blev det liiite tjatit. Inte för att inte ville krama dem, dem är ju mina vänner och vi människor har kommit på ett sätt att visa varandra hur mycket man saknat varandra genom att kramas, så jag menar jag klagar inte på de. Men visst fanns de i så fall kramar som betydde olika mycket, come on let's face it. ;)
Så i ett försök att inte verka vara falsk eller nåt så bestämde jag mig för att de fanns vissa personer som jag inte kramade just på grund av att den krmaen skulle i sig vara falsk och jag om någon försöker vara 100% me all the time, there's ain't no fake here!
Allt det här pratandet om kramar påminner mig om en situation som jag hamnade i lördags. Jag mötte ju som sagt upp Vincent och Tomio och hans vänner i Kungshallen efter att jag vart och tittat på Green House föreställningen, i alla fall så när vi gick därifrån och vi alla började dra oss hemåt så sa jag ju självklart hejdå till Tomios vänner (som jag precis träffat för första gången i mitt liv) jag gör då de vanliga; vinkar lite, ler och säger hejdå. Det brukar vara lagom att göra så när man precis träffat nån tycker jag. Ni tror inte att en av hans vänner frågar om jag vill ha en kram istället, jag blev helt ärligt ganska tagen av den frågan. Brukar man vara så rättfram undrade jag , inget illa menat. Jag menar det är bra att vara det ibland, men eftersom jag har en princip att inte vara falsk så bestämde jag mig för att inte krama honom. Jag hade absolut inget emot honom, men det är bara det att jag är inte den vill göra något, för att sedan anklagas för att ha handlat falskt av mitt samvete. Man vill ju mena allt bra och gulligt man gör. Håller ni inte med?
A hug, though it's just a hug, can mean so much for someone.
Yet it can be just a physical movement for others
This is just the same as saying the three words; I love you. For some people it means pretty much everything to say that, and for others it means as much as Oprah Winfrey needs to worry about money, with other words; nothing.
I personally think that to many people (especially teenagegirls) throws that away too easily. They practically say 'I love you' to everyone, and they say that they love everything that they're actually just "liking a bit", but it's more dramatically to say: 'I love it!' Nån som känner igen sig? I can also find myself in that situation of using 'love' instead of 'like', though I know 'like' is more correct, I use 'love' 'cause I thinks it's better. Now I would be such a hypocrate if I'm criticizing the ones that throw the L word away to easily, and meanwhile be one of them. But hey, I'm not, 'cause I'm doing something about it. I have stopped doing that since I find out I'm sort of throwing away everything I say too easily. Med andra ord, jag slutade så fort jag började.
And that brings us to so many things that we shouldn't throw away; first kiss, first boyfriend (not that kind at kindergarden) sex. All of those things shouldn't be just thrown away, I think that even the first time you get drunk should be with people you feel comfortable with, with other words not in the pub with a buch of strangers.
Michelle ♥
vi tänker mycket lika :P
I know! So many people tell everyone that. Which makes me feel like theres not enough words to express something like that anymore :(
I agree with the L word. Absolutely.
But come on, you really just can't give someone a hug just cause you don't like them very much or whatever. A hug doensn't have to meen "I love you". You can still be kind you know. Maybe that person needed a hug that day. Swallow your pride girl. It's like you don't think some people are worth you precious hug. Everyone's worth as much you know. Even if they dont meen as much to you at the moment their still your friends. As it seemes like anyway. Maybe you should stop to judge everyone. Their just people. Going through different parts of their life. Why the hell you go and make things so complicated?
I know that a hug doesn't have to mean "I love you", but I'm afraid you got me all wrong there. All I'm saying is that I don't want to be faking things. Of course if a friend of mine wants a hug, I'll hug her, tight and often as well. 'Cause I'm doing a good thing then. But I was talking about not hugging some people that I usually don't even talk to. We barely know each other, sure we see each other every day at school, but all we say is 'hi' and that's all. So why hug that person then, right?
I don't know who you are, however I truly appreciate that you made your opinion about this. It's good to know how at least some people think of me. :)
But who's judging who? It seems that you just judged me right?
Though you are right about me 'complicate things'. I am on complicated girl and if you would have known me, you would be pretty much nodding your head right now. :p